The transition process of Inmetro’s regulatory model gains new guidelines.
August 18, 2022
On August 3, Ordinance No. 286, of July 27, 2022, was signed, approving the governance process and instituting the transition committee for Inmetro’s regulatory model. Alexandre Ywata, Special Secretary for Productivity and Competitiveness (Sepec), was visiting the Dr. Arménio Lobo da Cunha Filho campus in Xerém, Duque de Caxias district (RJ) when the document was signed.
The president of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and the Secretary for Innovation and Micro and Small Enterprises (SIMPE) of Sepec also participated in the ordinance signing ceremony.
Through transition governance, it is possible to have a critical analysis of the entire process, contributing to the identification of sensitive points that diverge from one another, reducing systemic risks, considering the objectives, principles, and guidelines that belong to the regulatory model, in addition to an optimized alignment of the changes in progress.
What’s the new model like?
Based on the Economic Freedom Act (Law 13.874/2019), the premises of Inmetro’s new regulatory model determine less state intervention and greater freedom for the production sector. Among the changes, the institute becomes less prescriptive, that is, instead of establishing rules about the way the productive sector manufactures, it now acts only as an observer in order to guarantee the safety of products. In this way, Inmetro opens up new possibilities for companies to innovate and incorporate new technologies, fostering competitiveness for Brazilian companies and increasing the supply of technological products and services to consumers.
What do companies gain from this? Less paperwork. This new model has the mission of being more flexible, making it easier for the entrepreneur to have more predictability and innovation possibilities, eliminating unnecessary steps. When a product offers less risk to the consumer, its control also becomes simpler. If we compare plastic cups and motorcycle helmets, they don’t need to be treated with the same rigor, given the potential risk of each. In this sense, there will be greater rationality during the process, making the entrepreneur’s life easier.
What are the benefits of this change?
This change in Inmetro’s regulatory model aims to support the 4.0 industry in Brazil, a new concept that more intensively incorporates automation technologies into the production process.
Starting in 2020, the process of elaborating Inmetro’s new regulatory model was completed in 15 months and had the active participation of the economic sectors. There were numerous public consultations and over 20 meetings during the period. Nevertheless, its implementation will be gradual, with completion scheduled for 5 years.
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