How is the registration of respirators done at Anvisa?
Respirators are health equipment that aims to assist in the treatment of patients with respiratory issues. With the arrival of the Covid-19 worldwide Pandemic, respirators have become essential equipment in cases where patients have more severe symptoms and breathing problems, and so that, …
How to register COVID 19 tests at Anvisa?
COVID 19 tests are procedures performed to detect whether a person has been infected by the coronavirus or not. Due to the high contagion and the different forms of manifestation of the disease in the human body, tests are essential to identify the number of people infected. …
The complications that a product can cause if registered wrongly
We have been constantly informing you about the importance of having your product properly approved in accordance with regulatory agencies, as it is through these regulations that you can offer more security to your customers and get your product recognized, and being …
Should I notify, sign-up or register my product?
Opening a company in Brazil is a process that involves a lot of bureaucracy, that goes through several processes and measures to make sure that everything is regulated and fully in accordance with the standards required by law. To register products is no different. Not only companies need to comply …
How to register blood pressure meter at Anvisa?
Currently in Brazil there is a population with an increasing life expectancy, basically Brazilians are living longer. This increase generates some additional medical expenses, mainly for the elderly, who most need medicines and equipment. As a result, the need for medical supplies has greatly increased, making room for companies …
Respirator Mask registration requirements
Amid the rise of flu in recent months and the appearance of Coronavirus (COVID-19), a product that is being widely marketed and sought after is the respirator mask. Developed for professional and personal activities, the mask’s purpose is depriving our organism of …
The importing process of health products
When it comes to importing health products, anyone who doesn’t know the subject can make mistakes in the petitioning process, delaying the entire procedure. The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) is responsible for issuing the import license. It is worth remembering that …
Registration of pesticides in Brazil
The registration of pesticides in Brazil has been released this type of product faster, thanks to measures taken to reduce bureaucracy since 2015. The result is: a considerable increase in registrations. Compared to previous years, 2019 was higher in registration of pesticides …
How is toy certification made in Inmetro?
Toy certification is critical to the safety of children. Toys are products intended for children who must be marketed in accordance with INMETRO standards and evaluations. INMETRO is the body responsible for regulating toys in order to issue certification so that the …