• Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 18:00

Regulatory Affairs Specialists

Regulatory Affairs

Licempre - regulation of companies and products is a company specialized in consulting regulatory affairs. With personalized service Licempre is prepared to meet the needs of our customers, with professionals specializing in meeting the activities and processes in the area of regulatory affairs. We provide consulting and advisory services on regulatory matters for company registration and product registration with the major organs such as ANVISA and INMETRO. Licempre is a company that stands out for its honesty, efficiency and agility in order to solve the bureaucracy of processes quickly and effectively. Efficiency, result and transparency is Licempre's commitment to its customers
Product Registration
Licempre specializes in the registration of products in the responsible bodies such as ANVISA and INMETRO. Product registration is mandatory in Brazil for marketing. With all legal technical support in regulatory affairs, Licempre is able to diagnose each case, guide and take care of bureaucratic processes together with regulatory bodies. From product framing to product classification, following the rules and regulations. With advice on regulatory issues, Licempre makes the registration of the product with agility and transparency to serve our customers in an agile and optimized manner focusing on the effectiveness of results.
Company Registration
Licempre does the entire process in the company registration area, from the purchase or lease of the physical space to the approval of the product for its commercialization giving all the necessary support to our customers. Without company registration, it is not possible to market products. Thus, it is important that the company be regulated in its responsible body as provided in the regulatory standards. Through solid partnerships with recognized professionals in the market, Licempre has the best professionals for what our clients need, in areas such as legal, certifications, foreign trade and others. The entire company registration process is optimized, effective and agile in order to meet the needs of our customers.

Experience in regulatory affairs

Licempre is a company specialized in advising and advising on regulatory affairs of companies and products with the main regulatory bodies such as ANVISA and INMETRO.

Our commitment is to serve our customers with honesty in order to provide all the necessary support for your company.

Less paperwork, more results.

Leave the regulatory affairs of your business with Licempre.
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Business and Services Regulation

How can Licempre help your business grow?

Licempre works with all product regulation process, advising your company in all stages of the process with the main bodies.


Food, Cosmetics, Health Products, Human Medicine and others.


Hypodermic Needles, Pacifiers, Alcohol packaging and others.

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