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Inmetro Starts Second Phase of Proficiency Testing in Physical Chemistry for Calibration of Gas Meters

Registration will be open from August 12 to August 30, 2024.

The Brazilian Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro), through the Directorate of Scientific, Industrial and Technology Metrology (Dimci), is promoting the second Round of the Proficiency Test in Physical Chemistry for the Calibration of Gas Meters. This initiative is essential to ensure the accuracy and reliability of these safety-critical devices in work environments, especially confined spaces.

Registration for this round will be open between August 12 and 30, 2024, and will be limited to 40 participants. Selection will be made based on the order of registration, which makes quick participation essential to guarantee participation.

Gas meters play a vital role in the safety of confined work environments, such as tanks, silos, and pipes, following regulatory standard NR-33. These locations present significant hazards due to inadequate ventilation, which can lead to the accumulation of toxic, flammable, or asphyxiating gases, as well as insufficient oxygen levels. According to the Labor Inspection Portal of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, between 2011 and 2020, 85% of accidents occurring in confined spaces resulted in death, highlighting the crucial importance of this equipment.

Before allowing entry into a confined space, it is essential to carry out an atmosphere assessment to identify potential risks. Portable gas meters are crucial to this process, as they detect the presence of dangerous gases and issue warnings to prevent accidents and save lives. However, for these devices to fulfill their function effectively, they must be calibrated accurately.

Participating in proficiency testing (PT) provides laboratories with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to calibrate gas meters with high accuracy. This second round of the Proficiency Test will be conducted following the requirements of the ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17043 Standard. The results obtained by the participants will be compared with the reference values established by the Gas Analysis Laboratory (Lanag), which is part of Inmetro’s Chemical Metrology Division. At the end of the round, a detailed report will be issued evaluating the performance of all participants. Satisfactory results will serve as evidence of the laboratories’ competence to perform accurate calibrations of gas meters.

This is a valuable opportunity for participating laboratories, which will be able to compare their results with the values designated by Lanag using their routine methods, which will contribute to the continuous improvement of their processes.

Information and Registration:

Registration must be made directly on the Inmetro website (Gas Meter Calibration — INMETRO). The registration fee is R$2,297.82. For more details about the schedule and other information, access the link on the Inmetro platform. More details about the schedule can be accessed here.

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