• Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 18:00

What is Business Registration?

Company registration is a mandatory certification, requested from agencies such as VISA, Anvisa, and Inmetro. Upon approval, you can apply for and receive product registration on your behalf.

How is Business Registration done?

For the process of opening a company, we first identify the activity and the segment of the company, to identify the body to which it should be regulated. We have found the following standards and resolutions, and we have started requesting and drafting the process for applying for registration.

Are you already familiar with the Business Registration process and want to contact Licempre?

Licença de funcionamento na VISA

What is the Company License?

The Permit is a license granted by the City Government, allowing the location and operation of commercial, industrial, agricultural, service providers, as well as companies, institutions, and associations of any nature, linked to individuals or legal entities.

How Licempre can help your business:

Licempre does the whole process from the purchase or lease of the physical space to the final approval of the product so that it can be sold without problems with the certifying agencies of Brazil.

Operating license at VISA - Sanitary Surveillance (VISA)

Health Surveillance aims to promote and protect the health of the population in order to prevent and reduce health risks, intervene in health problems arising from the provision of services of health interest, so companies need to be regulated and able to operate in accordance with Sanitary Surveillance.

Without the VISA Operating License, the company cannot have the next approval, which is the AFE – Anvisa Operating Authorization.

Registro de Empresa de Cosméticos
Registro de Empresa de Alimentos
Registro de Empresa de Medicamentos

What Licempre does for your company:

  • Business License in City Halls;
  • Environmental License in environmental agencies;
  • AVCB - Auto Inspection of the Fire Department;
  • CRT - Certificate of Technical Responsibility of the Board of class;
  • Inspection and suggestion of adequacy of the physical space;
  • Design of Operational Flow Layout of people and products;
  • LTA - Technical Appraisal Report;
  • Preparation, training and implementation of the Quality Manual;
  • Operating License;
  • Commencement of Manufacturing / Import Notice.

Company Operation Authorization at ANVISA (AFE)

In Brazil, ANVISA (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency) is responsible for the rules and regulations that your company needs to be in accordance with the requirements of the responsible agencies and able to operate.

What is the business authorization?

AFE – The Certificate of Authorization of Operation (Certificate of AFE) is a document issued by Anvisa proving that the company is authorized to perform the activities described in the certificate. It contains data such as the company’s authorization number and address

Without having the Company Operating Authorization at ANVISA, the company cannot obtain the next approval, which is the Regulation of national and imported products.

Autorização de Funcionamento
Autorização de Funcionamento
Autorização de Funcionamento

What Licempre does for your company:

  • Registration and / or changes of the company in the system;
  • Size of the company;
  • AFE - Operating Authorization Company;
  • AE - Special Authorization
  • Audits;
  • CBPF – Certificate of Good Manufacturing Practice;
  • CBPD - Certificate of Good Distribution Practice.

For more information about our company and product regulatory services and to request a quote.

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